Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekend Recap

I'm getting to this a little late this week because I worked from home yesterday. V was home too, and we thought it would be nice to get to spend a little extra time together!

Friday was a pretty typical Friday. We started the evening off right by making our monthly trip to Costco. Fun times! We were about 2 weeks behind (we usually try to go the second weekend of the month), so it was extra fun! The weather was kind of icky on Friday, so we stayed at home for the rest of the evening, playing Lego Harry Potter and drinking mulled wine.

Saturday, as I think I mentioned, we went to our friends' for dinner. J&M, the couple that hosted, has a "wild game" dinner every year. Yes, that means all kinds of weird meats. M is a really wonderful cook, and she made so many good dishes with rabbit, duck, venison, and all kinds of other meats and sausages. It was so good! I think probably the best thing we had was venison sausage stuffed into dates wrapped in prosciutto. Oh man, they were perfectly spicy and sweet! A lot of people contributed by bringing alcohol, but I made (at M's request) a Pavlova. This time, to switch things up, I made a lemon curd instead of the normal custard and topped it with mixed berry sauce instead of the traditional kiwis and strawberries. I think it was a nice switch to make it feel like more of a winter dessert. And boy, did it feel like winter Saturday night! J&M put up a tent for us to eat in since their house is pretty small and there were about 20 people at the dinner. They had a pretty good sized heater out there, but we ended up at the far end of one of the tables, and man was it cold! Fortunately, we survived and it definitely didn't keep us from enjoying our food.

It was really good that we had already planned on leaving the house Saturday night, because as it turns out, our noisy upstairs neighbors were having a party. These people are pretty noisy to begin with (for example, every time the guy walks across their apartment it makes the stuff on our walls rattle, and every night while they're cooking dinner they play music. And let's just say they don't have the best taste in music ever), and when we got home at 12:30 Saturday night, there were still plenty of people around. Luckily by the time we were ready to go to bed pretty much everyone was gone and things were quiet. Now I have nothing against them having a party, but I sure do miss having our landlord live in the apartment upstairs. He was out of town a lot, and super quiet when he was at home. Oh well!

Sunday we were planning on watching the Daytona 500, but that didn't really work out since it got rained out and postponed until last night. Another "Oh well" moment I suppose! We did usual Sunday things like laundry, playing some Star Wars, and making a delicious chili dinner. 

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