Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weekend Recap

This weekend was kind of a crazy one because we went to Indiana to my cousin M's wedding! Friday night was pretty quiet since we had to get up early Saturday to get on the road. It's about a 3 1/2 hour drive to the city that most of my extended family lives in from here, and we had 4 hours. Thankfully there wasn't any crazy traffic or construction or anything, so we made it with perfect timing! The wedding was really sweet, and it was great to see my extended family. After the wedding, my parents, brother (B), V and I went to BW3's for dinner, which is always yummy. Then we went to my grandparents' house for a little bit to spend some time with them.

Sunday we celebrated my grandma's 80th birthday. I'm glad we got to do both in one weekend! I've pretty much always liked living in different cities and having the opportunity to move around, but I do miss my family sometimes. On my dad's side of the family, he's the only one out of him, his 2 sisters, and brother to move away from the city they grew up in. My dad and all of his siblings each have 2 kids (my youngest cousin on that side is 20), and up until recently my brother and I were the only ones who also don't live in that same city. One of my cousins who recently graduated college ended up taking a job outside of Atlanta, and M is moving to Colorado because her new husband has an awesome job out there (his family is also from IN, and they're talking about moving back someday so their possible future kids can grow up around their extended families). But B and I are the only ones to live most of our lives outside of this same city. I think sometimes it makes it hard for our cousins to relate to us (and vice versa), but it's still always nice to see them.

V had off work Monday for Presidents Day, so I worked from home. It was really nice to have a day at home after we were gone Saturday and Sunday!

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