Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weekend Recap

So, somehow last week slipped away from me, and we're back to a weekend recap again! Oops!

Our weekend was spent mainly 2 ways: trying to spend as much time out in the awesome weather as possible, and trying to stay out of the St. Patrick's Day crazy. We were supposed to go up to WI on Saturday to hang out with some friends, but V had a long week and neither one of us was really feeling it. So instead we went to Julius Meinl for brunch and hit up the store so we could have corned beef and cabbage for dinner. Then we spent pretty much the rest of the day walking the dog and sitting on the front porch drinking cider. We found a new cider at the store, Julian Hard Cider, and bought the regular and the Cherry Bomb. The regular cider was good, but a bit too tart for me. The Cherry Bomb, however, was so amazing! It tasted like cherry pie filling, only not quite so sweet. But it definitely wasn't as tart as the plain cider. I'd definitely get it again!

We also spent some time playing the new Mario Party 9 (pretty much the only reason we still have our Wii. Well, that and Zelda). The main change is that all of the characters ride in one car together, so you go through the board a lot faster. Also, you can't play as a team anymore. I used to make V play on a team with me because he's a lot better at video games than I am and I was afraid he'd always win. But it turns out I can do just fine on my own! We played 2 rounds and each won one, so I thought that was pretty good.

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