Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weekend Recap

This past weekend, we went to NC to visit V's family. It was V's mom's birthday, and we hadn't seen them in a while, so off we went! Friday evening after we got there, we went to a tiny little festival. We only ended up riding the ferris wheel, where I managed to take a pretty decent picture.

We also walked around the livestock tents, where V's mom decided she needed a baby potbelly pig. The piglets were so cute, but the full-grown pigs not so much. If only they'd stay tiny and cute! Then we went home and played BezzerWizzer and Cranium. We spend a lot of time with them playing silly games, it's a great way to spend time together that everyone (including the teenagers, although they're a bit reluctant sometimes) enjoys.

Saturday we went for pedicures while the boys went to a gun show, and we went to Cajun Queen for dinner. Their food is really good, and very authentic. I had the same thing I always have, the creole dinner, extra spicy! Yum. And they had a seasonal peach bread pudding on the dessert menu, which was just divine. After dinner, we went back to their house and played Dicecapades (which wasn't the most fun game ever) and The Logo Board Game (which V and I have, it's a lot more fun). 

Sunday before our flight, we had lunch with V's dad and his family. As always, it's good to catch up with them. V's dad is coming to visit in a few weeks, so we didn't spend a whole lot of time at their place before it was off to catch our flight home. Lately I'm a really nervous flyer, so I had checked the weather, and wasn't too happy when I saw that there were high winds in Chicago, but fortunately it was a pretty smooth flight and I didn't have to freak out. Sometime soon I need to write a post about flying, since we fly probably more than average (V definitely, me less than him, but still probably more than most people) and right now it's probably my number one cause of anxiety. A few people lately have asked me what I do to stay calm, distract myself, and even manage to sleep, so that will be coming up soon!

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