Thursday, May 31, 2012

What a Crazy Trip

So, the reason that I haven't written lately is that we just got home from a crazy vacation and we're also moving to Pittsburgh 6 weeks from now. I've been working on sorting through our trip pictures, and hopefully will have some from the first portion of our trip to share soon. We spent about 4 days each in Seoul and Beijing, and then went on to Australia where we spent most of our time in Sydney, but did get out to the Great Barrier Reef for a few days. So, pictures soon!

It's rainy and gross here today, and I can't help thinking about my dad's family, most of them are headed down to San Juan, Puerto Rico for my cousin's wedding on Saturday. I wish we were going too! But since we just got home from vacation a few weeks ago, it seemed a bit excessive. But I sure would prefer San Juan to a cold and rainy Chicago!

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